Thursday, March 22, 2012

Melt in your mouth Chicken

I'm on another health kick, hopefully this one is for good. I feel like it is, I'm very motivated to try eating healthier. Not just for myself but for my family as well. I want my kids to learn to love all things good for them, but also my husband has high cholesterol and I would like to get that under control without the use of medications. So I've been searching for healthier recipes. I found this one on pinterest, I am trying to incorporate more Chicken into our diet and not so much red meat... In fact I would like to do away with red meat almost all together eventually. This one is pretty simple, here is the recipe...


  1. 1
    Mix mayonnaise, cheese and seasonings.
  2. 2
    Spread mixture over chicken breast and place in baking dish.
  3. 3
    Bake at 375°F for 45 minutes.

I did make a few small changes to this recipe. I used "light" mayonnaise instead of regular. Since I haven't tried this recipe any other way I can't say you didn't notice a difference but it tasted pretty darned good so I'm not going to use real mayonnaise. I cut the recipe in half since its just me and my husband and it worked fine.
I also added a little bit of onion salt to the mix as well as some poultry seasoning but just a tad of each.

It says to bake at 375 for 45min, now let me tell you that for us that was not long enough. I checked temperature of the chicken and I was glad I did. After finding that it was only around 150 on the inside (should be 190) I popped it back in the oven. I turned the oven up to 425 and it took about another 15-20min or so. I also had baked potatoes going at the time so maybe that was part of it. Regardless it came out wonderfully and my husband really liked it. The chicken was tender and moist and the flavor was awesome. I personally felt like it was a tad heavy on the pepper but my husband thought it was perfect.

Needless to say this came out really nice and even made a pretty picture with the mixed veggies! Hope you enjoy!

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