Monday, January 16, 2012


While growing up I knew the basics of cooking/baking. However I wasn't really interested in it and my older sister loved it (especially baking). She did most of the cooking/baking in our house. I do remember doing SOME stuff but not a lot. After my parents divorce it came about that I was living with my aunt and uncle who are just a few years older then myself and their children. My aunt did a lot of cooking and showed me the wonder of spices. Something not used in my household much while growing up. When I was out on my own I started experimenting with cooking a little. Not a lot, I did however make up a WONDERFUL meatloaf that everyone who has tasted it just LOVES. When I met Casey and we were first dating I made him dinner one night, I told him I couldn't cook but I told him we were having meat loaf. He cringed, he wasn't a big fan of meat loaf but he didn't say anything. He took one bite of my meatloaf and about died. To this day that is one of his favorite meals.

Once we were engaged his mom who LOVES cooking/baking wanted to make our wedding cake. He assured me that she would do a good job as she is good with cakes. Well things happened beyond her control, I had gone to "help" her with the cake but ended up doing it all myself. Now other then baking a cake in a pan and just using the pre-made frosting in a can I had never done anything fancy with a cake. Yet here I was left to figure out how to stack and frost a wedding cake on my own! Casey's grandmother was there and she used to decorate cakes so she instructed me (she could no longer assist with it). The cake turned out um ok (I hated that cake) and I vowed I would NEVER decorate a cake again. Ha famous last words.

After Eli was born I got hooked on a TV series, Cake boss. I was amazed at what you can do with cake, as Eli's 1st birthday drew close I knew I wanted a certain cake, but I also knew we couldn't afford it. The only way to get this perfect cake that I had in mind was to do it myself. Thus began a love affair with making cakes. His cake was a jungle theme, I wanted everything to be editable. I spent hours researching and looking up idea's on the Internet and then set to work. This is what I ended up with,

In another blog I will blog how I did it.
As time went on I started looking for reasons to play with the whole baking cakes process. I did my aunt's baby shower cake.  I've already got an idea for Eli's 2nd birthday as well as Willa's first birthday cake and she's only 4mo old!

Lately as money has gotten tighter we've decided to try cutting out eating out as much as possible. I normally try to cook at home but I have gotten tired of making the same things I am "comfortable" making for dinner. All it does is rotate over and over, SO I decided to start looking up new recipes and trying new things. Thus this blog was created, for me to blog my successes and failures and to share with people the ones that I just LOVE and maybe inspire a few other "non-cookers" out there. Its not as hard or scary as it seems! You just have to try, and make sure you enjoy yourself.

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