Monday, January 23, 2012

Store Adventures

So I have blogged about how I am trying to expand my cooking abilities. I have also blogged that this week is slow cooker week. Where I"m going to cook everything in the slow cooker. Should be easy right? Well that is until its time to shop for some of the ingredients for this weeks meals. So on the menu this week was pork tenderloin and pot roast.... So I found the tenderloin pretty easily, but the recipe also calls for red wine (to cook with). Now I have never bought wine before, so I look in the "beer" section at price chopper and I don't find any "WINE". So I figure I'll skip that and let Casey stop somewhere and get some anyway. Well in another section I find a "Cooking" wine. Which I guess you don't even have to be a certain age to get cause I didn't get carded! LOL Anyway next I had to find a "Pot roast". Harder then I thought.

With the pork tenderloin it said right on it "Pork tenderloin" so it was easy, with the pot roast I was looking for it to actually SAY pot roast. Also their selection was poor, so I finally settle on something that says "ROAST" on it but dang it was $16! Just as I was walking away one of the workers come out with a rack full of meat. He asks if I"m finding everything ok and I finally summon up the courage to tell someone I don't know what the heck I'm doing and what is it I need? He tells me that as long as its a "ROAST" its ok, just some people prefer certain kinds (arm or rump). He also tells me that I have an EXPENSIVE one because its all natural (no growth hormones etc). So finally I get some meat that is much less expensive... There was also a lady there looking at the meat and she overheard and was telling me the best way to cook a roast etc. Was all pretty funny if you ask me. Just another adventure in my learning to cook. :)

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